Adam Lambert fans

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American Idol Tour - Tulsa

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Rachel Wood likes Adam Lambert

Admitting that she is attracted to androgynous men, Evan Rachel Wood isn’t shy of making public her admiration for “American Idol” season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert.

“I probably couldn’t help myself, that guyliner is so amazing,” so she says of the male music performer. “But he’s got an incredible voice, talent is very sexy. I love that he’s so androgynous, he just doesn’t care, has fun and wears whatever he wants.”

In further interview, the movie beauty talks of her tendency dating older men. “That’s just what works for me. I usually just have more in common with them for some reason. I guess because I’ve just always been around older people,” she explains.

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Adam Lambert backstage in San Diego

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This video is recommended ONLY for those who are sexually attracted to Adam Lambert

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Yahoo Interview with Adam Lambert

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Adam Lambert answers fan questions - Dish Salt

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Interview with Adam Lambert

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Access Hollywood with Adam and Kris

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"I came all the way from Mexico City just to meet Adam Lambert," said Rebeca, one of several hundred "Idol" fanatics who patiently waited outside the Staples Center on Thursday night to catch a glimpse of this year's top 10.

Before and after every gig on tour, Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and the rest of the contestants pose for blurry camera-phone pics, sign autographs and meet their supporters face to face in a ritual that has become as important to the "Idol" tour as the singers' set lists. The get-together, referred to by the fans as being "At the Buses," gives the die-hards the chance to share an iota of a moment with their favorites (as well as tossing them letters, gifts and kisses) before they jump on the tour bus to leave town.

As to be expected, the superfans were out in full force on Thursday to catch their hometown hero, Adam Lambert, in the flesh. Girls as young as 12 and as old as 66 sported homemade bedazzled T-shirts and talked openly about the naughty things they'd do to him while ironically clutching the Rolling Stone issue in which the singer announced he's gay. "A girl can dream," said Wendy, the mom of a teenage Glambert, Shelby, who proudly displayed her "Adam Lambert's Future Wife" tee.

Although certain clusters claimed to have known the singer since he was a child and others insisted they've been following since he toured with "Wicked," one of the more memorable fans was a retiree in her 60s (who requested anonymity for this article) who claimed that Adam helped get her groove back. "I've never done anything this crazy in my whole life. My friends think I'm insane. We were here from 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock in 100-degree heat waiting for Adam to come out, and he didn't." (The superfan's story ends happily: Once Adam emerged from backstage, he signed one of the eight copies of Rolling Stone she brought.)

Despite the celebratory — if not anxious — mood, fan rivalry usually reserved for internet message boards and comment sections occasionally spilled into real life. A gaggle of Glamberts took devilish glee in pointing out that their fave received much more applause than Kris Allen, or as they coldly called him, "the guy who won." (Perhaps it was a good thing that Kris opted to say hi to the fans before the concert so he didn't have to mingle with "the haters.")

Meanwhile, the Danny Gokey fans had much more personal stories to share. One Gokey girl, Nancy, who turned her RV into a Gokey shrine on wheels, cited Danny's backstory as the reason she warmed up to her newborn granddaughter's name. "I didn't like the name Sophia. But then when I found out that Danny's wife's name was Sophia, I was so happy." (You could imagine how the Gokey fans reacted when he quickly popped out to flash his "heart" hand sign as cameras flashed in his face.)

The fans may have turned up for their specific singers, but the chatter about the tour was unanimous: Lambert stole the show; Scott MacIntyre was a thousand miles better than they expected; and thank goodness Kris Allen dropped "No Boundaries" from the set list. They were also concerned (and confused) about Megan Joy's disappearing act. She ditched the final group number, and it felt as though everyone noticed. (Turned out she was pretty ill and wanted to rest up after her set.)

It was 1 a.m. by the time Allison Iraheta, Michael Sarver (who barely blinked when a Lambert fan screamed "Adam Lambert rocks" as he signed her souvenir program), Matt Giraud (who accepted a fan's marriage proposal via Ring Pop) and Scott MacIntyre said good night to the crowd, and by that point, several fans had to get a good night's sleep.

They did, after all, have a big day ahead of them. The "Idol" tour was hitting Ontario, California, and they had to make sure they got to town early enough to score a good spot at the buses once again.

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Adam Lambert sex tape?

After months of heated speculation over his sexuality and what other secrets he might be hiding, Lambert said he thought he'd pull open the closet (and all of the cupboards, too) so there wouldn't be any "skeletons" left for the tabloids to dredge up later. "I didn't want to always be looking over my shoulder wondering what would be printed next."

So, then, there won't be any Adam Lambert sex tapes turning up online?

"Noooooooo," he answers with a laugh. "I've never made a sex tape ... thank goodness."

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Adam Lambert sings Starlight (Muse) in Ontario, CA

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The Chaparral interviews Adam Lambert

Here's the Transcript:

The Chaparral: What do you do about… the hate, which I don’t want to bring up, but…
Adam Lambert: Oh yeah, yeah. I’ve been hearing about that. Yeah, there were some protestors in San Jose. I guess the Westboro Baptist Church is planning on picketing a bunch of the concerts because of American Idol’s “fag infestation.” Well, I guess they like to put on their signs, “God Hates Fags,” but I think God hates hate more.
TC: Amen. [high fives]
AL: I kind of think there’s probably a better way of spending their energy. Probably doing some good would be better, promoting positive causes, helping the homeless…
TC: Hugging someone.
AL: Yeah. Spreading some love, I think, would probably be more beneficial than hate, you know? But I ignore it. I say everyone’s entitled to their opinion!
TC: A change is gonna come.
AL: [laughs] I agree, I agree.
TC: Pet peeves?
AL: That kind of crap. That’s a pet peeve. No, in a related thing to that, it’s been interesting—because I’m Jewish. [laughs] And clearly gay. And I get a lot fan mail and gifts that are trying to express Christian ideals and Bible scriptures. It’s awkward because that’s not my belief system. I respect people for the intention in which they’re giving these gifts, because I know it’s out love and hope, but it doesn’t match my belief system at all, so I kind of wish there’d be a little bit more respect for that.
TC: The way I see it: music and spirituality, they can be intertwined, but when they start to contradict each other or people start to lose the meaning behind the music…
AL: Yeah! I mean, my music is just for entertainment value, I’m not trying to preach to anybody, I’m not trying to spread any agenda, I’m just trying to get people up and dancing and feeling good. There’s nothing controversial about that.
TC: It’s just fun.
AL: Yeah, it’s fun. It’s fun and it’s sexy. And if sexy scares you, don’t listen to my music.

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Staples Center

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Adam's favorite movie

Movieline asked the top 10 Idols what their favorite movie scenes were... here is what Adam Lambert had to say: “One of my favorite movies of all time is Velvet Goldmine, by Todd Haynes, and the scene that comes to mind is when Ewan McGregor’s character is first introduced and he’s a singer, a rock star, and the camera comes in on him — he’s on stage — and he gets naked, pours beer all over himself, then glitter on top of that. He shakes the glitter can around his crotch like he was jerking off onto the audience and then lights the foot of the stage on fire. And to me, that just sums up everything that a rock star should be. It’s like a fantasy sequence. That movie is absolutely brilliant — and a little underrated in my opinion, too. I was about 22 when I first saw it, and I was just like, whoa. It’s a movie loosely based on a Ziggy Stardust-type character and an Iggy Pop-type character. It doesn’t specifically name them but they’re clearly modeled after those two rock stars, and it’s just cool. It’s a love letter to the glam scene.”

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Fan questions

Kate: Ask Allison to talk about how she felt about the bra incident in Vancouver.
Allison Iraheta: Adam and I were singing "Slow Ride," and all of a sudden a bigass pink bra is thrown on the stage, and I picked it up with my foot and threw it to him and we had fun.
Adam Lambert: That was my favorite moment on tour so far. It cracked me up. And then wadded-up panties came onstage, and it looked a bit funky. I picked up the bra and flung it back out in the audience. But the panty, I just slid it around the stage with my foot. I didn't want to touch it.

Zizim: The one question on everyone's minds: Is Anoop really dating Megan Joy?
Megan Joy: No way. That's not true, and that's an old rumor! No one is dating anyone on this tour.
Anoop Desai: We are all just friends.

Jackie: Kris, what made you eat 10 plums that fateful day?
Kris Allen: Oh, Twitter. I tweeted it. It was 14 plums, not 10. I was at the studio in a house in L.A., and there was a plum tree there. And they were so good I just kept eating them. Don't ever do that. It's not a good thing. Plums turn into prunes and you know what prunes are used for. It was pretty rough. But they were so good.

Kristina: Allison, what is your debut album going to be like, and who are you working with?
Allison: It's definitely rock. I'm getting some recording and writing with other awesome writers done out there. I wish I could name them all, but some of them are David Hodges, Kevin Rudolf and Kara DioGuardi. Kara's songs are amazing. Lyrically, I'm focusing in reality and the world out there right now, my life and what's happened to me in my life.

Anonymous: Question for all Idols: How did you feel about that ridiculous protest outside the San Jose concert on July 12?
Adam: Oh, that was fun. It was six people, and I don't give a s--t. The amount of support, even in Utah of all places, everywhere else has been overwhelming. There will always be people who have their opinions. I don't care.

Leo: Adam, how are you working on the record on the road?
Adam: It's been double duty, and it's been rough. I recorded all day yesterday [Wednesday] in L.A. But that's a secret. It's not for my record, possibly for a soundtrack. That's all I can say. It's not for New Moon, but that would be cool. It's a lot of work. It's like, OK go tour, go record, go write, go do press and photo shoots. But I stay pretty cool under pressure. They have a masseuse backstage, and that helps.

T.T.: Are you guys reading the reviews of the Idol concert tour? Have they created any discussion or friction among the Idols?
Lil Rounds: I don't read the reviews. Some of the other guys definitely do. I hear it's going great. And in USA Today I was in the headline, but I wouldn't have known that if someone didn't tell me, because I try to stay away from the reviews.

Catira: Matt, you've been killing it on tour! Amazing set. You are so talented! Also wanted to say I am pretty sure you will get signed by a major label after the tour ends. Have you received some label offers already? Any meetings?
Matt Giraud: I've been talking to people, and I'm writing music. I just got hired on for the Michigan-based for an online singing competition called Make the Cut. I'm the host/judge/mentor. Auditions are going on right now. I'm looking for people who are passionate and different. It's kind of cool to be on the opposite side now. I'm going to channel Paula [Abdul] a bit and be the nicer guy and try to help them out.

Annie: Are the Idols partying like rock stars on tour?
Michael Sarver: We don't go out much. If we get together and have a drink, we go in one of our hotel rooms. But it's too difficult to go out. Our schedule is pretty busy, so when we have a night off, I like to sit in my hotel room and do nothing.

IdolFan1: Is it true the Idols check into hotels under fake names?
Danny Gokey: Yes. I can't say what mine is, but I can say it's just a made-up, random name that sounds Italian. Some of them are funny. Some of them are sayings, and one person's is something you have to say in a special way.

MelBear: What is more fun, doing the TV show or touring?
Scott MacIntyre: The tour is much more fun, and it's easier. As far as workload, there is nothing more stressful than being on the American Idol show. We were getting maybe three or four hours of sleep a night some weeks. I'm getting a lot more sleep on tour.

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American Idol Concert pics

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Crazy Glamberts

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Adam Lambert and Kris Allen at the American Idol concert in the Staples Center

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Adam Lambert speaks with

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Adam Lambert comments on protest and bra

Adam Lambert spoke to E Online about the protest:
"Oh, that was fun. It was six people, and I don't give a s--t. The amount of support, even in Utah of all places, everywhere else has been overwhelming. There will always be people who have their opinions. I don't care."

Lambert, whose confidence was evident in his star-making performances on Idol, also spoke about his fans' penchant for throwing their undergarments on stage. He said, "That was my favorite moment on tour so far. It cracked me up... I picked up the bra and flung it back out in the audience."

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Adam Lambert on MTV

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Adam Lambert and Kris Allen at the American Idol Ford Give Away

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Crazy Glamberts

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SDNN interview with Adam Lambert

SDNN: What, in your opinion, was your best performance ever? Why?

Lambert: While it’s hard to name a favorite, I had the most fun singing “Whole Lotta Love” by Led Zeppelin! The band was kickin’, and I felt like I was able to really cut loose. It was also exciting because it was the first time Led Zeppelin has allowed someone to perform music of theirs on Idol.

How do you choose the songs you will be performing Saturday to collaborate with other artists? Basically, with such a diverse range of talent, how do you guys work together to form a cohesive concert?

Aside from my duet with Allison Iraheta (which is a reprise of Slow Ride from Rock Week on the show) each of us has our own set to perform. I sing four songs solo and one duet within my set… These songs were chosen with the director and musical director of the show. We wanted a balance of songs I sang on Idol and new material.

What is the first thing you’re going to do when you get to San Diego?

Unfortunately we have very little, if any, free time while in each city. The day will be spent at the venue doing sound check, various meet and greets and of course the show… If I had my way, I’d visit the Gaslamp for a great meal.

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Adam Lambert was hacked

Adam Lambert's Twitter, E-mail, and MySpace accounts were hacked recently, so ignore any strange messages from Adam such as the most recent ones in Twitter.

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Anti-gay protests in San Jose

Homophobic members of Westboro Babtist Church protested against Adam Lambert going to San Jose.

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Adam Lambert and Meat Loaf

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Adam Lambert Fox 13 Utah interview

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Louis Peitzman from SFBG interview with Adam Lambert

Touring experience

"I toured with a musical, Wicked, the first national tour. But we were like, in a city for a couple months at a time. I’ve never done like a bus and truck type, different city every night type tour.
I didn’t know what it was going to be. I didn’t know what the bus was going to be like, and it’s surprisingly comfortable. I didn’t think I was going to be able to sleep and I can actually fall asleep on that thing. It’s like being rocked to sleep like a baby. It’s just a lot. It takes a lot of energy, and it’s not just the actual getting on stage and doing your set. That’s not the most tiring part. It’s the interviews and the meets and greets — we do one before the show and one after the show. I always try to sign autographs after the show for all the fans. And I want to do all that. It’s just — it takes a lot of energy."

Getting attention & pressure

"No, not pressure. I mean, I guess now I’m feeling that there is an expectation for this album that I’m working on that’s coming. I feel that looming in the distance, but I’m also really excited about it. I think I’ve been given this opportunity to kind of do something a little different, but the expectation’s high. So I’m just trying to deliver a good product.
Gossip, paparazzis, media attention.
I’m really open. I think after the show ended, there was a little window of time where it was a little intense and kind of freaked me out a little bit. Like, I kind of stayed in my hotel a lot. I didn’t leave. I was very reclusive for about a week or two, and then I was over it. It just takes a minute to get used to. I mean, no one can really prepare you for all that focus, you know, that’s put on you. Going to the doctor’s office and leaving and getting ambushed by about 14 paparazzi, is not something that anyone is really prepared for, I don’t think. So, you know, it just takes a moment to adjust."

LA heritage

I’ve seen it, I’ve just never been the subject of it. And I’ve been around the culture. I have friends that are celebrities. I have hung out with people that have been at that focus of paparazzi, leaving a club and having cameras fly out. I’ve seen it. It’s just never been about me.
Gratitude and possesiveness of Idol’s fans.
And the other thing that’s interesting being on Idol, it’s different than a lot of other celebrity situations because people call in and vote. So people are more invested, in a way, because they’re responsible for how you do on the show. So I think there’s also a feeling of gratitude that I want to get across. And then there’s also this partial ownership, this possessiveness that the fans feel toward all of us, and that’s interesting.

Gay icon vs. music icon?

"That’s really interesting, because that has been kind of a conflict for me. The way I live my life is not defined by being gay. That’s just my sexuality, you know what I mean? I have interests that are outside the gay community and outside of being gay, including my musical tastes. So I don’t really concern myself with being a gay anything. I’m just happy to be gay. Does that make sense? I want to make an album and that’s just who I happen to sleep with.
I think that times are rapidly changing and it’s good to be part of a progressive movement. And I think that hopefully I will be part of a new wave of people that don’t focus on the sexuality at the center of our artistry, ‘cause it’s not. It’s not the center of my artistry. It just so happens that that’s my preference, you know what I mean? I really want to get out that. I really want to get a sort of universal thing happening. I want it to be, like — it’s like when hip-hop was becoming more commercial and more mainstream. It wasn’t about black and white anymore — it was about music. I mean, white kids listen to hip-hop now equally. It’s like a universal sound. And I feel like, in a way, there’s something to be taken from that for us. It doesn’t matter. If you’re a straight dude living in Kansas, you can listen to my album. It doesn’t have anything to do with your sexuality. It means you like the music."

Questions, already tired of hearing?

There’s one question that always cracks me up. It’s, “What do you have to have with you on tour?” I’m like, what the fuck does that mean? What do you think?

Diverse current thoughts

I’m just looking forward to this album. I’m having fun with the tour. I’m having fun with the paycheck. Trying to get enough rest. Finalizing ideas of what I want to do when it comes time to promote my album, and being inspired by certain artists out there on the scene right now.

Lady Gaga

I keep talking about her, but Lady Gaga is like rocking my socks right now. There hasn’t been an artist in a while that has had balls like her. She is just so aggressively creative.
I met her, when she came and taped on Idol. And I’ve been working with one of her producers, RedOne, who did “Just Dance” and “Poker Face,” and have kind of passed along some messages through him.
Just moreso, me being like, “Tell her I love her!” And, “Tell her she’s so great!” Kind of obsessive, fanatical type commentary.

Theater in the future?

I don’t think that’s what I want to do right now. I think I want to try this recording thing for a while and see if it works out. I think it’s definitely a possibility in the future. I’m not turning my back on it by any means, but I feel like this has been a transition for me to kind of go into a new field.

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Adam Lambert: Bra Magnet

This is the second bra tossed at Adam in an American Idol concert.

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Adam Lambert is Mr. Twitter USA

Adam Lambert was voted Mr. Twitter USA with 68229 votes. Check out the ranking here:

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Adam Lambert & Kris Allen host AT40




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American Idol Concert Arco Arena

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Tour Update

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Joe Leary spent 24 Seconds with Adam Lambert

24: This whole experience must have been quite a whirlwind. What have the last few weeks been like for you?

AL: It’s been really busy but really exciting. I’ve been rehearsing for the tour - which just kicked off this week in Portland - and at the same time, I’ve been working on my debut album, so I’ve been doing double duty, but it’s been so exciting.

24: The world is mourning the loss of Michael Jackson and you paid homage to him by doing a couple of his songs on ‘American Idol’. How did you hear the news of his death and what kind of effect did he have on you?

AL: It was pretty shocking. We were actually rehearsing the first number of my set for the tour and I was singing up with the band and Lil Rounds ran into the room and whispered something into one of the producer’s ears - and all of a sudden they looked really serious. When I asked what was going on, the producer told me that Michael Jackson had died. We all just kind of stopped; it was really bizarre. We were all stunned – it just got really quiet. It was really sad and one of the guys in the band was relating it to when Elvis passed and how it felt kind of the same way. He was such a big influence on me as a child. He was very present throughout the '80s and early '90s when I was growing up. He was so creative and innovative and there wasn’t a lot like him. I looked up to him a lot.

24: Your interpretation of Gary Jules version of ‘Mad World’ is one of the best songs ever heard on the show. What’s your process for putting your own take on a song?

AL: That’s the beauty of ‘Idol’ – you don’t just stand up there and copy; you have to make it yours and make it new. And you’re right; the Gary Jules version is pretty much perfect; so beautiful and so haunting and I knew that if affected me that way when I first heard that recording, I wanted to make it somehow affect other people with the same piece of music. I love it and I think it’s a social commentary on the world, and the sadder side of society.

24: During the course of ‘American Idol’, you gain prominence and become more of a focal point and you have certainly experienced what its like to be in the public eye and have your life under the microscope.

AL: (Laughing) you could say that.

24: What has that aspect of life been like for you?

AL: It’s been interesting and definitely something that no one can prepare you for but I think it comes with the territory. At the end of the day, I’m just really glad that people are interested because hopefully it will allow me to stay present as far as being an entertainer. I’m glad that I have the opportunity to release an album soon and hold people’s attention.

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American Idol concert in Portland

Source: Rolling Stone

Kris Allen looked visibly uncomfortable in the hours leading up to the American Idol tour’s kick-off show in Portland, Oregon. But it wasn’t because of nerves. “I just really have to pee,” he said, hoping for a well-deserved break in the midst of a series of interviews.

The Idol winner and his nine companions were feeling more pumped than apprehensive about the show. After all, they’re playing for fans now. “You don’t have the whole judge thing, the cameras aren’t in your face,” Allen said. “You’re just playing for the crowd and you can feed off that energy.” “You’re nervous on the show because you have these four guys who are going to tell me how much I suck in front of so many friggin’ people,” added Allison Iraheta, the season’s youngest Idol. “With the tour, I know there are a lot of people out there who voted for me.”

But the idea of playing for such a large live audience does seem impressive to the Idols. “This is definitely the biggest crowd I’ve performed in front of,” said Adam Lambert, whose pre-show preparation includes some push-ups and sit-ups to get his blood pumping. There should be plenty of blood pumping in the audience, too, considering that Lambert is opening his set this summer with the awesomely over-the-top “Whole Lotta Love,” the Led Zeppelin cover that blew away the Idol judges (and fans). “It’s fun, it’s sexy,” he said.

Despite his rock god status, Lambert again confirmed he’ll be exploring a variety of genres — pop, dance, electronica, funk — on his upcoming album, which includes collaborations with producers Linda Perry, Sam Sparro, RedOne and Greg Wells. Iraheta, on the other hand, is happy to be nixing disco night and doing what she does best — rocking out. The raspy-voiced teenager is working on an alternative rock album with David Hodges and Kevin Rudolf.

Meanwhile, fifth-place finisher Matt Giraud is getting a taste of the other side of Idol. “I’m Seacrest and Simon,” he told us, explaining that he’ll be serving as a host and a judge for, an online singing competition that’s attracting contestants from all over the world.

Speaking of Idol personnel … any chance that they might show up at one of the shows? “If anyone would, it would be Paula,” said spectacled soul singer Danny Gokey. “She hung out with us just recently. She genuinely cares about us — [Idol] is more than just a paycheck to her. She’s got a lot of heart.”

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Adam Lambert fans - Portland

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Adam Lambert on Vancouver Talk 1410

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The bra incident in Vancouver

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Adam Lambert - Don't stop Believin'

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Adam Lambert - Mad World

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Adam Lambert - Whole Lotta Love

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Adam Lambert - Starlight

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Adam Lambert - Bowey Medley

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Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta - Slow Ride

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American idol concert pics

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