GMA cancels Adam Lambert's Performance

After more than 200 years of America being a democracy, one would expect that all people have freedom of expression. Apparently the 1500 people who complained against Adam's performance don't. Face it people, this is the XXI century and we must put our feet on the ground, discrimination is no longer acceptable in the modern world.

Good Morning America cancelled Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment" performance. Adam's performance at the AMAs Sunday night has become one of the most, if not THE most controversial event this year.

The performance has received thousands of mixed reviews. People have called it bold, disgusting, inappropriate, exciting, sexual, revolutionary, artistic, and a lot of other things.

Lambert says that the controversy that this has generated proves the chauvinist attitude of America when it comes to male sexual gay performances (not exactly in those words). Other shows involving lesbian acts have not been as polemic as this and have, most certainly, not received as many negative reviews as Lambert's (such as the Madonna kiss).

Fortunately Adam is scheduled to appear on the Early Show (CBS) tomorrow morning, as well as on the Late Show, and Ellen.

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